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and Business Closing
August 1, 2024

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Cingletree Learning, LLC

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Cingletree Learning, LLC.
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  1. 11. Capitalization

    1. Pretest: Capitalization
    2. Lesson 1: Names of People
    3. Lesson 2: Titles
    4. Lesson 3: Names of Places
    5. Lesson 4: Names of Groups of People
    6. Lesson 5: Names of Things
    7. Lesson 6: Names in School
    8. Lesson 7: Names on the Calendar
    9. Lesson 8: Firsts
    10. Lesson 9: Conventions
    11. Review: Capitalization
    12. Posttest: Capitalization
  2. 12. Punctuation: End Marks and Commas

    1. Pretest: Punctuation: End Marks and Commas
    2. Lesson 1: Sentence End Marks
    3. Lesson 2: Periods in Abbreviations
    4. Lesson 3: Commas in a Series
    5. Lesson 4: Commas with Adjectives
    6. Lesson 5: Commas in Compound Sentences
    7. Lesson 6: Commas in Complex Sentences
    8. Lesson 7: Commas with Introductory Eleme...
    9. Lesson 8: Commas with Interruptions
    10. Lesson 9: Commas with Nonessential Eleme...
    11. Lesson 10: Using Commas to Avoid the Absurd
    12. Lesson 11: Comma Conventions
    13. Review: Punctuation: End Marks and Commas
    14. Posttest: Punctuation: End Marks and Commas
  3. 13. Punctuation: Quotation Marks

    1. Pretest: Punctuation: Quotation Marks
    2. Lesson 1: Quoting Someone's Exact Words
    3. Lesson 2: Quotation Marks with Dialogue
    4. Lesson 3: More on Quotation Marks with Dialogue
    5. Lesson 4: Quotation Marks vs. Italics in Titles
    6. Review: Punctuation: Quotation Marks
    7. Posttest: Punctuation: Quotation Marks
  4. 14. Additional Punctuation

    1. Pretest: Additional Punctuation
    2. Lesson 1: Apostrophes
    3. Lesson 2: Semicolons
    4. Lesson 3: Colons
    5. Review: Apostrophes, Semicolons, and Colons
    6. Quiz: Apostrophes, Semicolons, and Colons
    7. Lesson 4: Hyphens
    8. Lesson 5: The Em Dash and En Dash
    9. Lesson 6: The Ellipsis
    10. Lesson 7: Parentheses and Brackets
    11. Lesson 8: The Slash (Virgule)
    12. Review: Hyphen, Dash, Ellipsis, Parentheses, and Slash
    13. Quiz: Hyphen, Dash, Ellipsis, Parentheses, and Slash
    14. Review: Additional Punctuation
    15. Posttest: Additional Punctuation